Keeping Cool A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician

6:30 AM – Morning Briefing

The day begins with a team meeting at the Katham Industries headquarters in Englewood, NJ. Our dispatch manager reviews the schedule and assigns jobs to each technician. Today, I’m tasked with a few air conditioner installations in nearby towns like Bergenfield and Leonia.

8:00 AM – First Stop: AC Installation in Bergenfield

Arriving at the customer’s home, I perform a thorough assessment of the site and prepare for the installation. After carefully measuring and mapping out the ductwork, I begin assembling the new high-efficiency unit.

  • Properly sizing the HVAC system is crucial for optimal performance and energy savings.
  • I ensure all components are securely connected and the system is properly charged with refrigerant.

12:00 PM – Lunch Break

After a successful installation, I take a well-deserved lunch break. Recharging with a nutritious meal is essential for maintaining energy levels throughout the day.

1:30 PM – AC Repair in Leonia

The next job takes me to a residential property in Leonia, where the homeowners have reported issues with their central air conditioning system. Upon inspection, I identify a faulty compressor as the culprit.

4:00 PM – Final Job: AC Service in River Edge

The last job of the day is a routine maintenance call in River Edge. I thoroughly clean the air conditioning unit, replace the air filters, and check for any potential issues.

  • Regular maintenance helps extend the lifespan of HVAC systems and ensures optimal performance.
  • I provide the homeowner with tips on proper system care to keep their unit running smoothly.

6:00 PM – End of Day

After a productive day, I head back to the Katham Industries office to wrap up paperwork and prepare for tomorrow’s schedule. Keeping homes and businesses comfortable is a fulfilling job, and I look forward to tackling new challenges each day.