A Day in the Life of a Maglish Employee

Morning Routine

I wake up at 6 AM, grab a quick cup of coffee, and head to the Maglish office to prepare for the day. As an HVAC technician, my job is to ensure our customers’ homes and businesses remain comfortable all year round. The morning briefing covers the day’s scheduled appointments and any emergency calls that may have come in overnight.

On the Road

My first stop is a routine AC installation in Merrillville. The homeowner has opted for a new, energy-efficient system to replace their aging unit. I arrive on time, greet the customer, and get to work. After a few hours of careful installation and testing, the new air conditioner is up and running, providing cool relief from the summer heat.

  1. Install new AC unit
  2. Connect ductwork
  3. Program thermostat
  4. Test system
  5. Clean up work area

Lunch Break

Lunchtime rolls around, and I grab a quick bite at a local diner. It’s a chance to recharge and mentally prepare for the afternoon appointments.

Emergency Call

Just as I’m finishing up, I receive an emergency call from a commercial client in Valparaiso. Their HVAC system has malfunctioned, and they need immediate assistance. I quickly head over and troubleshoot the issue – a faulty compressor. After consulting with the client, we decide that a full system replacement is the best long-term solution. I work efficiently to get the new HVAC system installed and operational, minimizing downtime for the business.


As the day winds down, I complete my paperwork and head back to the office to debrief with the team. We discuss any challenges faced and share insights to improve our services. Being a Maglish employee means delivering top-notch service and ensuring our customers’ comfort and satisfaction, no matter the task.